Aqviser, a dynamic spinoff of Set Mobile, a renowned Romanian software company specializing in real-time solutions and system integration, has emerged as a key player in the realm of water management. The genesis of Aqviser lies in capitalizing on the rich knowledge and extensive networking fostered within several EU co-financed research and development projects, namely SmartH2O, enCOMPASS, and Perivallon.
SmartH2O Project:
Aqviser’s journey takes root in the SmartH2O project, an innovative initiative focused on leveraging social computing for the efficient management of water consumption. At its core, SmartH2O introduced an ICT platform designed to enhance the management of urban and peri-urban water demand. This achievement was realized through the integrated deployment of smart meters, social computation, and dynamic water pricing, all underpinned by advanced models of consumer behavior.
enCOMPASS Project:
Aqviser’s commitment to transformative technologies is further exemplified by its involvement in the enCOMPASS project. This initiative sought to implement and validate a socio-technical approach to behavioral change for energy savings. Aqviser played a pivotal role in this endeavor, contributing to the development of user-friendly digital tools that make energy consumption data accessible and understandable to diverse stakeholders. These stakeholders include residents, visitors, public actors, building managers, utilities, and ICT providers. The overarching goal was to empower these stakeholders to achieve energy savings and manage their energy needs efficiently, cost-effectively, and comfortably.
Perivallon Project:
In the Perivallon project, Aqviser has taken significant strides in the realm of environmental intelligence. The platform integrates cutting-edge technologies, including artificial intelligence, geospatial intelligence, remote sensing, and online monitoring. This amalgamation enhances investigation processes and methodologies while providing a comprehensive intelligence picture of environmental crime in Europe through its Environmental Crime Observatory. Aqviser’s contribution extends beyond technology, as it has also improved end-user capabilities, including police authorities and border guards, through innovative training curricula and field tests.
Aqviser fulfills a pivotal role in these projects as a platform developer and integrator. By harnessing advanced technologies and fostering collaboration, Aqviser has become a driving force in the evolution of water management, environmental intelligence, and energy-saving solutions.
Aqviser’s journey from a spinoff of Set Mobile to a key contributor in EU R&D projects showcases its commitment to innovation and sustainability. By actively participating in projects like SmartH2O, enCOMPASS, and Perivallon, Aqviser has not only demonstrated its technical prowess but also its dedication to addressing critical challenges in water management, energy